Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA) – Commercial Fitout
The Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA) for Victoria has opened a new purpose-built triple zero communications centre in Williams Landing. This facility replaces the outdated World Trade Centre (Flinders St) site.
ESTA provides the critical link between the Victorian community and the state’s emergency services agencies – supporting police, fire, ambulance and VICSES.
The $15M commercial fitout was across several levels including a ground floor data centre with 99 cabinets, three floors of office space fitout, including an operations floor with 24 screen video wall and a rooftop radio communications room.
The operational availability of the site and associated services infrastructure remained at the forefront of the design process, understanding that the site needed to achieve the highest availability whilst remaining within budget.
The facility was provided with redundancies to services infrastructure in the form of the following:
- Parallel redundant Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) to critical loads.
- On site diesel generator and additional generator connection facility.
- Redundant Chillers and Computer Room Air Handlers (CRAH) units to critical operation areas.
- VESDA and gas suppression to critical operation areas.
- Redundant communications pathways (both incoming and internal).
Lucid completed the Mechanical, Electrical (Power, Data and Communications), Hydraulics, Fire, and Audio Visual Services for the project.