R8113 AIR2025 Phase 6 Jindalee Operational Radar Network


The Jindalee Operational Radar Network (JORN) is an Over the Horizon Radar (OTHR) that monitors Australia’s northern approach.

Defence are undertaking a major upgrade to the radar to extend the Life of Type and support changes to the operational support model.

Lucid is engaged as the Lead Design Services Consultant (DSC) and is also responsible for services engineering and ESD consultancy. Lucid has adopted a proactive approach in engaging with the PMCA, Aurecon and the various Defence stakeholders. Our approach to project delivery and quality has been well received, with Project Director Lieutenant Colonel Karl Reynolds stating, “Lucid’s attitude, professionalism and commitment to providing a quality service is commendable and sets a standard that all future projects should strive to achieve.”

The project involves upgrade to existing operational bases to enable the Life of Type upgrade to the radar, including:

  • New communications building.
  • New warehouse storage.
  • New maintenance consoles.
  • Refurbishment of the existing building to create new offices.
  • New water treatment plant to provide potable water from existing bores.
  • New electrical infrastructure to support operations.

New accommodation facilities are provided to enable the transition to a travel-in travel-out model for support personnel. The project also includes the provision of new Ionospheric Sounder Sites (ISS) across Australia to support the radar operation.