Memorial Hospital Refurbishment and Infrastructure Asset Management Plan
The Memorial Hospital in North Adelaide offers a wide range of medical and surgical specialties and has served the community since 1920. With over 100 beds, the hospital prides itself on a high standard of patient care, backed up by its well-maintained facility.
With a strong background in the health care sector and site master planning, Lucid was engaged to undertake a complete audit of the hospital’s services infrastructure equipment and assist in the development of the hospital’s master planning objectives.
Through this consultation process, Lucid completed a full review of the site’s mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and fire services plant throughout the facility to assist in the identification and planning of all services upgrade works required to ensure durable operation of the facility for the next generation.
The audit included an assessment of the asset condition including reliability, compliance, maintainability and remaining serviceable life. A further engineering assessment was then conducted to identify the risk of asset failure to the continuity of hospital services during an unplanned outage. The final masterplan included a preliminary asset management plan and budget estimates to enable allocation of funds for upgrade works.
Lucid worked closely with the design team and the Memorial Hospital staff to ensure the site refurbishment, including infrastructure upgrades, building extensions and redevelopment of multiple critical spaces was designed to deliver the high level of quality expected by the hospital staff and patients.