12 Newcastle Street, PERTH
A number of latent mechanical services issues within two 4.5 Star Nabers and Green Star Office Design v3 rated commercial office buildings prompted an investigation and subsequent diagnosis by the Lucid team.
Following a 12-month period of minor testing and BMS interrogation, the Lucid team compared as-installed documentation, commissioning results, billing data and design briefing information to successfully identify series of staged rectification works on a priority basis.
Conversion of the BMS from a proprietary to a fully open protocol system allowed unfettered insight into the design, installation and commissioning shortcomings of the buildings.
Other major upgrade works included the rectification and recommissioning of low load chiller water flows, plantroom pipework modifications, supplementary chilled beam sensors, additional chilled and heating hot water commissioning and three-way control valves, BMS field sensor replacements, recommissioning of water flows and energy virtual metering.
Rectification of these mechanical services issues has allowed the building owner to accurately recoup plant energy costs and secure longer term lease deals with building tenants.