Royal Agricultural & Horticultural Society – Adelaide Showground High Voltage Infrastructure Upgrades
Lucid has supported the RA&HS in the management and upgrade of the site’s high voltage network since 2000.
The Royal Agricultural & Horticultural Society (RA&HS) operate the Adelaide Showground site which comprises a 11kV ring main with 2off incoming 11kV supplies. The 2off 11kV supplies are operated in parallel with an Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) at the 11kV Main Switchboard (MSB).
Lucid has supported the RA&HS in the management and upgrade of the sites high voltage network since 2000. Multiple packages of works include:
- Integration of a 1,000kW Solar PV electrical power derived from 6off roof-tops at substations.
- 6 sub-generators connected at 11kV.
- 12,612 Thin Film Solar Panels.
- 110 Solar Inverters
- 9,239m2 Roof coverage
- System Yield: 1,400MWh p.a.
- Connection to site High Voltage Ring main.
- Connected to SA Power Networks as a Large Embedded Generator.
- Registration with ESCOSA as a Licenced Generator.
- Upgrade of 7off 11/0.4kV distribution transformers.
- Upgrade of 11kV Ring Main cable sections (8off sections).
- Consolidation of 11kV and 415V infrastructure assets based on new load precincts.
- Establishment of new Pavilions/Precincts (Goyder, Ridley, Jubilee North, Kings Way).
- Relocation of 11/0.4kV distribution transformers to suit new show precincts.
- Management and witnessing of Annual High Voltage Maintenance programme.
- High voltage system modelling and load flow analysis.
- Protection Study review and development of protection settings for all protection devices.