Western Power Depots

Lucid completed the detailed design and construction of several Western Power depots located in Northam, Vasse, Picton, Jandakot and Merriden in WA.

The depots are complex facilities that are required to cater for a wide array of Western Power needs, including administration, maintenance and storage. Lucid was engaged for mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, fire and sustainability services for the five projects valued between $2M to $40M.

The Western Power Vasse depot comprised a single storey 100m2 administration building, 700m2 fleet workshop and 700m2 logistics store. This depot was particularly challenging as it included a time sensitive forward works package. This presented a challenge for the coordination of in-ground services which needed to be completed and coordinated while the detailed design was being undertaken.

Lucid was able to take a lead role in the coordination process, delivering a forward works design package on time, enabling the achievement of the main works package. Due to the location of the new depot and the strict compliance for site lighting to obtrusive effects of outdoor lighting, comprehensive external lighting modelling was completed.

The Western Power Vasse depot is now the benchmark standard for future new Western Power depots throughout Western Australia.